Thursday, May 22, 2008

Some Tid Bits of Knowlege when raising Wee Ones.....and Pillowcase Memories

Here are a few things I've learned:

If I just do one load of laundry per day (washed, dryed, and put away) my life feels much more put together.

Little mini flashlights make great entertainment, especially if you have a dark closet to hide in! This goes if you're 5 yrs old, 21 mo. old, or 36 years old :)

Ok - another lesson just learned, you might want to make sure there are no rolls of wrapping paper in the closet - at least any rolls that you'd like to actually use one day, because it's LOTS of fun to unroll the entire roll and jump on it, then wrap your moms clothes up in it (clothes that were once hanging neatly, in neat little sections (whites together, darks together, t-shirts together, you get the idea....). Clothes that were washed, dried, and put away TODAY!

When you're taking wet towels to the laundry, use them to wipe down the counter and then the floor of the bathroom on the way.

Use wet, dirty dish towels to "skate" along the kitchen floor on the way to the laundry! Picks up an emmense amount of Yellow Lab hair, among other things (like the potato chips that were systematically crunched between little fingers and then sprinkled onto the floor).

Oh, and it's fun to get into your mom's drawer while she's blogging, get out a tube of hand lotion, then come and squirt it all over yourself and her feet, and the carpeted floor, then go wallow on the couch. She won't even realize it until the damage is done. (I thought I was just getting a foot massage! I swear - I didn't know what he was doing) And my husband says we don't need a steam cleaner! At least its a lovely scent.

Here's a chance to share your Pillowcase memories. Lark books is celebrating its forthcoming book, tentatively called The Pillowcase Challenge, and they want to hear from YOU! you have a favorite pillowcase from your Grandmother, Aunt, Mother - or a favorite pillowcase from your childhood, share your story.

If you are chosen, you'll receive credit in the book and a complimentary copy. Hurry - it's due June 7! Good luck!

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